Then, two weekend 's ago we had Oliver's family down visiting and whilst he took his dad and brother-in-law to see the football I went with his mum, sister and aunt to see 'The Power of Making' at the V&A. What an amazing exhibition - so impressive! There were lots of standout pieces for me, including the Alexander McQueen Armadillo shoes, the life-size crocheted bear and this wonderful sugar craft tiger. It's a free exhibition so I'll definitely be going back to see it again as there was a lot to take in, including a really interesting looking video on many of the talented craft's people included in the show.
It really made me think about the place of craft in the art world - something I'm looking forward to exploring further when I go to hear Grayson Perry talk at the British Museum at How and Why I Draw after the launch of his installation 'The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman'.