Well hello there, it's been a while! I've been really enjoying keeping up with what everyone has been making, even though I've had no time or space to sew for a while.
We are now all moved in to our new home and enjoying the chance to decorate as we wish - well, that's the royal 'we' I'm using there as I'm now a bit too big to be of much help with painting and furniture moving! So far Oliver has painted all the rooms and they all look really great! We still need some furniture - specifically a wardrobe and chest of drawers but I'll be hitting up eBay and our local charity furniture shop once I'm on maternity leave to try and find these. We've got a lovely long hallway that is going to house my sewing space - once we get a plasterer in to do the walls and someone in to lift the floor and sand the original floor boards. With just under two months until the baby is due we're pretty hopeful to get done by then. I'll share some photos once everything is a bit more settled and ready. In the meantime all my sewing stuff is still packed away so no sewing for me for a while.
I was recently back up in Scotland visiting family and finally got round to sorting out all my stuff in my Dad's garage (a task I'd been meaning to do for the past few years!). In amongst the boxes I found this photo album of my mum and her family during holidays in 1958 and 1959. It was such a nice surprise to find this and get a glimpse of my mum's family life. The captions let me know that this album was put together by my mum, I wonder if she did it when they came back from these holidays or is she put it together years later, maybe rediscovering the photos herself and wanting to do something with them. I'm really going to enjoy sharing these photos, along with my own memories of my mum, with our baby. For now however I'll share with you if you don't mind?! Is anyone else this good at putting photos in albums? or are you like me and buy the albums but never actually get round to putting the photos in them?
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My mum is on the left in the top photo, Sheena was one of her friends from school. The other photo shows my Aunt on the left with my mum in the striped shirt |
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I love both my mum and my Grandma's outfit's here - that yellow dress is such gorgeous fabric! |
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close-up of my mum. I love the whole look - the cropped trousers, the gingham top, and she looks so happy, and young! She would have been 15 years old here. |
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Love my mum's stripey top in that top left photo, and my Aunt's bikini in that centre photo is just gorgeous! |
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I never met my Grandfather but he was a keen amateur photographer and we have quite a few of his prints up in our house. That's why he doesn't appear in more of these photos - as he would have been taking them! |