I just love the fabric! I got it from M is for Make, they don't have it anymore but they do have the same fabric with bears which is equally as cute.
I've decided to take the length of time it took me to get these curtains made as a sign for Me Made May - I need to rethink my pledge this year. Last year my pledge was to wear something I had made or refashioned - clothes or jewellery - every day for the month of May. I just don't have the time for much sewing at the moment and I know that I would be disappointed in myself if I set a pledge and didn't do it. Instead I thought I'd do something more useful to me this year -
I, Kathryn Hannan of Kathryn's Busy Town, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I will wear or try on everything which I have made and anything which doesn't fit will go to the charity shop or the refashion pile. I will also keep a note of what I do wear every day so as to give myself a sewing plan for the very limited sewing time I now have.
I really hope this will spur me on to do more sewing as I really need some smart but easy to wear clothes, that is things that are comfortable for playing with a baby, but also potential outfits for when I go back to work. A tall order I know but as I don't work in a particularly corporate environment I think it can be done.
And last but by no means least, I just realised that today is my 3 year blog anniversary! I'm off to have a celebratory glass of wine, or two!